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Analytics Overview

You can customize dashboards to visualize various information and results based on your data. Dashboards are interactive and editable, and various elements can be added to your dashboard.

You can find more information about how to create dashboards at page Dashboards. image

Dashboard tags

To use tags for dashboards for organizing/structuring or sorting, go to Analytics and then press on the Dashboards label. In this new view, on the top right side left of the plus sign there's a tag symbol. To use tags, do the following steps:
1. Mark a/several dashboard(s) in the list using the boxes on the left side 2. Click the tag icon on the top right side left to the plus sign. 3. Write what you want to call the tag, and then press enter to save the tag. If you want several tags on a dashboard, enter a name, press enter, then write a new tag, press enter etc. Tags will be marked in grey in the input window, as seen below.
image 4. Press confirm, now the dashboards will have tags that can be used to sort/filter and organize your dashboards.