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API Keys

API keys are primarily used for accessing the recommendation API to fetch product recommendations to your website or your email campaigns.

Test your API request

  • Create a new API key
  • Open ubuntu
  • Copy from your API key

      curl 'https://`PLATFORM``473`/recommendations/user-to-items' -d '{"Limit":3,"User":"`X`"}' -H 'Authorization: `KEY`'

  • Use Rex in the user table under Model > Users and replace X in the curl to verify you get the same results as the recommendations for that user

NOTE: If you try to use the curl command in Windows it will not work note the difference from the curl above with \ and .exe

curl`.exe` '' -d '{`\`"Limit`\`":3,`\`"User`\`":`\`"X`\`"}' -H 'Authorization: KEY'