Recommendations - API Documentation
Requests are authenticated and authorized with API Keys. API keys can be managed from the application menu Account / Api keys. When sending a request, the API key is provided using the Authorization header.
Item recommendations from a data model are provided by the API in two ways, given a user (/user-to-items) or from a list of items (/items-to-items).
User recommendations (user-to-items)
User-to-items recommendations can be used to generate content for user landing pages, email marketing and similar. Given a user id, a list of recommended items is returned.
POST /api/v1/data-models/<id>/recommendations/user-to-items
Request parameters (JSON body)
Input parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
User | string | User id to fetch item recommendations for |
Items | array of strings | Item IDs to build the recommendations from |
MinInteractionTs | int | Min timestamp for interactions to base the recommendations on |
MaxInteractions | int | Pick orders until MaxInteractions interactions are included |
MaxOrders | int | Pick orders until MaxOrders orders are included |
InteractionFilter | SQL | To select from history based on SQL query |
Persona | Object | "{"gender": "Female", "country_code": "SE"}" |
Logical parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
TrendFactor | float | Value between 0 and 1. 0 is used to base recommendations on similarity only, and 1 weights the recommendations on the current trend/popularity. Default is 1. |
Recurring | boolean | Allow recommending items already consumed by the user. Default is false. |
AllowedItems | array of item ids | Only items in AllowedItems is returned in the response |
ForcedItems | array of item ids | All items in ForcedItems is returned in the response |
BlockedItems | array of item ids | No items in the BlockedItems is returned in the response |
Candidates | int | number of items to consider. Default to all available items. Can be used for faster calculations. |
ItemFilterExpression | SQL | "price>100" |
ItemBoostExpression | SQL | "toFloat(margin)" |
Search | string | Experimental Full-text-search. Filter and boost based on search string. |
FieldLimits | array of objects | Ex: [{"Field":"name", "Limit": 2}] makes sure to not return more than 2 items of the same color. |
Context | See example | [{"Name":"ageLimit", "FloatValue":11},{"Name": "genres", "ArrayValues": "action,thriller"}, {"Name": "gender", "StringValue": "female"},{"Name": "ages", "Field": "AgeLimitSv", "Option": "last"}] |
Output parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Shuffled | bool | shuffle recommendations |
StrictAfterFieldLimitCheck | bool | Return error if we can not find Limit valid items after FieldLimits |
BestEffort | bool | Return all valid items even if it is less than Limit |
Format | string | Response format/encoding, available options: json , og |
Columns | array of strings | Meta data columns to include in the response |
Limit | integer | Maximum number of items returned, default=0 |
Offset | integer | Items to skip |
cURL example
curl -X POST ${IB_API_URL}/api/v1/data-models/<id>/recommendations/user-to-items \
-H "Authorization: ${IB_API_KEY}" \
-d '{"User": "123", "Limit": 10, "Recurring": false}'
The response contains the top recommended items ordered according to the relevance score. The item object contains Id
and all meta-data fields that is specified in the data-model configuration.
{"Id":"7942856970334767135", ...},
{"Id":"9136495236170061780", ...},