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Recommendations - API Documentation


Requests are authenticated and authorized with API Keys. API keys can be managed from the application menu Account / Api keys. When sending a request, the API key is provided using the Authorization header.


Item recommendations from a data model are provided by the API in two ways, given a user (/user-to-items) or from a list of items (/items-to-items).

User recommendations (user-to-items)

User-to-items recommendations can be used to generate content for user landing pages, email marketing and similar. Given a user id, a list of recommended items is returned.

POST /api/v1/data-models/<id>/recommendations/user-to-items

Request parameters (JSON body)

Input parameters

Parameter Type Description
User string User id to fetch item recommendations for
Items array of strings Item IDs to build the recommendations from
MinInteractionTs int Min timestamp for interactions to base the recommendations on
MaxInteractions int Pick orders until MaxInteractions interactions are included
MaxOrders int Pick orders until MaxOrders orders are included
InteractionFilter SQL To select from history based on SQL query
Persona Object "{"gender": "Female", "country_code": "SE"}"

Logical parameters

Parameter Type Description
TrendFactor float Value between 0 and 1. 0 is used to base recommendations on similarity only, and 1 weights the recommendations on the current trend/popularity. Default is 1.
Recurring boolean Allow recommending items already consumed by the user. Default is false.
AllowedItems array of item ids Only items in AllowedItems is returned in the response
ForcedItems array of item ids All items in ForcedItems is returned in the response
BlockedItems array of item ids No items in the BlockedItems is returned in the response
Candidates int number of items to consider. Default to all available items. Can be used for faster calculations.
ItemFilterExpression SQL "price>100"
ItemBoostExpression SQL "toFloat(margin)"
Search string Experimental Full-text-search. Filter and boost based on search string.
FieldLimits array of objects Ex: [{"Field":"name", "Limit": 2}] makes sure to not return more than 2 items of the same color.
Context See example [{"Name":"ageLimit", "FloatValue":11},{"Name": "genres", "ArrayValues": "action,thriller"}, {"Name": "gender", "StringValue": "female"},{"Name": "ages", "Field": "AgeLimitSv", "Option": "last"}]

Output parameters

Parameter Type Description
Shuffled bool shuffle recommendations
StrictAfterFieldLimitCheck bool Return error if we can not find Limit valid items after FieldLimits
BestEffort bool Return all valid items even if it is less than Limit
Format string Response format/encoding, available options: json, og
Columns array of strings Meta data columns to include in the response
Limit integer Maximum number of items returned, default=0
Offset integer Items to skip

cURL example

curl -X POST ${IB_API_URL}/api/v1/data-models/<id>/recommendations/user-to-items \
-H "Authorization: ${IB_API_KEY}" \
-d '{"User": "123", "Limit": 10, "Recurring": false}'

Response The response contains the top recommended items ordered according to the relevance score. The item object contains Id and all meta-data fields that is specified in the data-model configuration.

    {"Id":"7942856970334767135", ...},
    {"Id":"9136495236170061780", ...},