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Import data to the platform

There are various ways to import data to the platform, here we present the most common use cases.

Uploading files to the platform (CSV for example)

Go to the platform and then to Manage data -> Import files (can be found at the top right menu by clicking the three dots, see example image below).

Drag the file to the drop-box in order to upload it to the platform

Uploaded files are available from the "imports (csv-fs)" database connection when creating new sources (see next step).

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Using a feed (Google Feed for example)

A feed is a file that contains a list of products that often is used to advertise through Google Merchant Center. Often these feeds are updated with latest information which means Sift Lab can use the feed to add relevant product details to the platform, such as image link data.

Feeds are most often published as a public URL in format .xml.

Adding a feed as a data source

  1. Get the public URL of the feed
  2. Add a new source, often it is a good idea to add a "Merge Filter" to avoid fetching too much data (you can for example add now() < toFloat(last_seen) + 7*24*3600)
  3. Add a query similar to below and also add decoder=head in the field Preprocessor directives to show the file structure. Note that you have to write url: before https://, see example below
    FROM `url:`  

[Note that you have to write url: before https://]

Preprocessor directives

Start by writing decoder=xml (or =feed) to show the file structure, it will in the preview window show the content.

decoder: describes what file format, xml, csv, json etc.
root: navigates the file and shows where you want to read data.
rowtag: selects the object.
pluck: inside your rowtag you can have multiple data columns, pluck lets you choose wich you want to get.

Below is an example of what to write in the preprocessor to fetch feed data correctly: decoder=xml

You can then run EXECUTE PREVIEW QUERY to see the result.

JSON Files

An example json file could look like: ``` [     {         "id": "",         "user_id": "",         "username": ""     },     {         "id": "",         "user_id": ""         "username": ""     } ]

SELECT * FROM url:https://...json

preprocessing directive for json


Using a database connection

First, make sure you know the origin files to fetch. If files are fetched from

Go to the platform and then to Admin -> Configuration (can be found at the top right menu by clicking the three dots, see example image below).

Set up a configuration

Add a database and name the Database based on the what system they use (centra, voyado, etc), and choose the matching Driver. In the Config field, check the standard URL provided by the corresponding ecommerce platform.

Note: A key or token is most often needed to access databases. This key can be added under Admin -> Secrets.

Make arbitrary query

Create a source and make an arbitrary query similar to SELECT * FROM users.gz for Centra. You can list possible paths by using SELECT * FROM * .

This will trigger a proxy sync, and in the case of a Centra customer as in the example image below, the .gz files will appear once completed. This normally takes 1-5 hours.

How to verify that the sync works

Choose the source you created and press the pen to edit it. Go to the ADD QUERY tab and choose SELECT * FROM *.

If the sync is ready, you will see a list of files to choose from, for example, users.gz, items.gz, interactions.gz, see image below. If you see the files imported you are now ready to create sources!

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